Google+ Leek and potato bake with a twist |Forget dieting forever

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Wednesday 23 January 2013

Leek and potato bake with a twist


INGREDIENTS (2-4 servings)
One large leek
1kg of potatoes
20g sliced chorizo - roughly chopped
stock cube
approx 250 ml milk/water (50/50mix)
salt and pepper

I was using leftover ingredients - if you don't have chorizo, then use bacon bits instead (or just use leeks and potatoes). 
Layer the potatoes (I used Estima today) and leek into a shallow oven dish. Season each layer with salt and pepper - and anything else you fancy. Mix the stock cube with the water/milk mixture. I use whole milk, as it makes it creamier and saves buying cream! Pour over the stock until it comes to just below the top layer of potatoes. Then...  scatter with the chorizo (or bacon bits) and dot some butter on the top.
Cover with some foil or a lid, and bake at around 180 degrees C for 40 minutes, remove foil and continue cooking until nicely browned (a further 30 minutes should do the trick). 
We had this as a side dish with some sausages, but if we were going to eat it as a main dish all on it's own, then we would have added a little more chorizo/bacon.
Estimate this dish at around 600 calories if divided by two large appetites. It's quite more-ish though, and if you want to ensure you don't eat all of it between two, then just make less and use a smaller baking dish. I used a 26 x 18 cm dish (8 cm deep) for these ingredients - and think it will serve 3 nicely.
TIP: When we served this immediately, we found there were a lot of 'juices' in the oven dish. Treat this dish like a good steak - let it rest, and the potatoes will soak up all those juices and make it taste even better. If you can wait......
REMEMBER: We all have a calorie allowance - and we like to post our main meals to show you what we are eating. You won’t find us posting every last morsel though – but we hope this gives you an idea of how far calories can go!

Read about our UNIQUE METHOD of weight loss and find out how we have lost weight eating the food we love.
Copyright © forgetdietingforever 2013, all rights reserved.

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