Google+ Lazy Sunday |Forget dieting forever

Our recipes and tips for cooking from scratch. Find out how we lost weight too.

Sunday 21 August 2011

Lazy Sunday

Breakfast was delicious full fat greek yoghurt and strawberries with a drizzle of honey. It was very filling and we try and avoid low fat yoghurts because they would not be as filling. Also, low fat fruit flavoured yoghurts tend to have a lot more sugar.

We are going to slowly cook a shoulder of lamb today. The slow cooking draws out most of the fat, leaving tender and juicy meat. We will eat this with mint sauce, gravy, roast potatoes, cabbage, carrots and cauliflower. I may make a cauliflower cheese if I have time - and the recipe I use has been adapted to give a flavoursome and not so fatty result, so look out for this later.

While the lamb is cooking, we are hopefully going for a long walk in the countryside. One mile can result in 100 calories towards our weight loss. We walk about 3mph, so it's quite leisurely. We think we will walk about an hour and a half or around 5 miles. This walk will allow us to eat more if we wish. I imagine our lunch will be around 700 calories, which is quite a large meal, and not something we do all the time. But, we have a balanced diet, and today is one of our higher calorie days – and I can eat around 2000 calories (my normal daily allowance). Breakfast and lunch together will be less than 1000 calories, just half of what I am allowed to eat. If the weather does hold out and we do get to walk 5 miles, I can add 500 calories to my 2000 allowance! I doubt I will be able to eat 2500 calories – and that is including the large roast dinner.

Our weight is sneaking down again, and we are looking forward to a good weigh in next week.

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